LionsBridge does not hold any client assets. We utilize Charles Schwab & Co. as our primary custodian and they provide monthly statements and handle all customary administrative, tax reporting and gain/loss recording. We only have trading authority over your accounts and cannot move any money or effect transfers, without your prior consent.

All of your accounts, and the cash and securities within those accounts, are segregated assets; which mean that they belong to you. All the securities and cash in the accounts fall under SIPC rules and protection. In the unlikely event that LionsBridge, or our custodian Charles Schwab, ceased operating, you could transfer the accounts to any other custodian.

LionsBridge is celebrating its 7th year anniversary and continues to grow every year, but if we were to stop operating, you would contact Schwab and move the accounts anywhere you like. In addition, Charles Schwab provides an umbrella policy on all client assets. We would be happy to provide additional information upon request.